Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year and New Challenges 1/4/09

I hope everyone is enjoying a great start to a great year. We are making it, but with the new year came some challenges. On the 30th and 31st of December, Kensley decided to get the stomach virus that Cooper had on the 26th and 27th. She seemed to recover, but then her front bottom teeth came through. This just added fuel to the fire. She began to stool too much and lose too much fluid. She dropped from 17lbs. to 16lbs and 7oz., and she began to look and act dehydrated in addition to being in teething pain. It has not been a great week for Kensley. BUT, as always the SON has begun to shine on us again. Today Kensley really began to get back to normal. She stooled less and more consistently. She was also her happy laughing playing self. It was so nice to see her back to normal. I hope that we will begin to regain the weight quickly.
It seems that everyone I talk to has or has recently had the stomach virus. It is really bad around here and that makes it hard to take Kensley anywhere for fear of contracting something. Right now my hands are cracked from washing and using hand santitizer so much. I think that we need one of those beautiful cleansing snow falls that covers the whole area with a clean slate and kills all the bacteria and viruses for a while, then melts within 4 days. We are lucky in Lubbock we rarely get a severe snow fall, and few are over 4 inches. Most of our snow melts within a few days too. But we haven't had one in a long times. So, my prayer is for gentle, non severe snow. And I pray that all of our hearts could be especially tuned to God this year as we face all challenges. I know that with each challenges comes a great lesson, but sometimes I'm not learning like the teacher's pet but more like the teacher's problem. BUT I'm going to keep trying. I hope you will too. Hugs from Heaven, Tana

1 comment:

MamaMathis said...

Can't wait to see some pictures with Kensley's new teeth! Hope everyone is feeling better now, and wish you all many blessings in 2009!

love, rhonda