Friday, November 14, 2008

Hope Floats 11/14/08

It has been a tough week, but we made it through the stomach bug OK. The problem is that we found out that the throwing up and diarrhea are only the beginning of this virus. Apparently you throw up and have loose bowels along with congestion. These are all typical flu like stuff, only that with Cooper and Kensley it has turned into a sinus infection. They both have watery and mattering eyes, and congestion with some coughing. We have had Kensley tested for everything, Roto virus, central line infection, and bacterial overgrowth. All labs show that she is negative for all these things, Yeah! However, that means that she just has a virus-a bad cold-so we have to ride it out. She is doing all right and has gained a few ounces back. She is back on her tube feed and her stools are not as liquid any longer.

We leave for Nebraska tomorrow (13 hour trip). The grandparents are here to take care of Kaydee and Cooper. J. and I will leave with Kensley on Sunday, get to Omaha on Monday, have labs drawn, spend the night, have an appointment on Tuesday, and then start home. We should be back home late Wednesday. Sounds like fun, doesn't it! At this point I think all you prayer warriors better hit your knees. We are going to need all the help we can get!

I have to tell all of you thank you. It blesses my heart so much to read your comments. You help my hope to float. I am sure that most of you have seen the movie Hope Floats. It is a good movie. One of the more memorable lines from the movie is "They wouldn't let hopelessness win. You just have to give hope a chance and it will eventually float to the top." That describes our 6 month journey with Kensley very well. There was a time of little or no hope. All we had was our faith that whatever the outcome that God was already there and He would catch us on the other side. Well, I can see Him standing there with His arms wide open. We might not have made it all the way yet but I can see Him. My hope is floating and growing stronger everyday. All of you are a part of that. Hugs from Heaven, Tana


Crystal said...

I thought about you guys last night, Chris threw up ALL OVER himself and his bouncer seat and he has had the cough and congestion as well. I actually watched Hope Floats last night. I love that movie soooo much! I am so happy to hear you made it through the bug and that it was only a virus! Kensley is such a strong little girl! I think of her and pray for all of you everyday! Be careful driving to Nebraska and I pray that all goes well at her Appt. Love you guys lots and lots!! Kaydee is growing up so fast. When I saw he on Wed. night she just acted like such a grown up little girl! She is beautiful just like her Mamma!!

MamaMathis said...

Prayers for safe travel and good reports in Nebraska! Thank you for the gorgeous pictures! Your family continues to be an inspiration to us all!!

Love, Rhonda

Happy Go Lucky said...

Thoughts and prayers go with you on your travels!! She just gets more beautiful with every passing day.
Much love,

Randa Reeves said...

I love getting to see the pictures of the whole family. I know it is so trying for all of you. God has big big plans for Kensley I just know it. It shines in that radiant smile and bright eyes of hers. She knows it too. I am praying for a carefree journey, rest for mom and dad, and good news with the blood tests. Now that I pray for each of you everyday. I love you all!!! Blessings!!!