Sunday, November 9, 2008

Taking Jesus at His word. 11/9/08

Well, the weekend started off good. Kensley had been slightly congested in the mornings, but has gained up to 14lbs and 10oz. Then we get to Saturday afternoon. She started having liquid, brown, rotten egg smelling poops. You may not want to hear about her poop in detail, but it is very significant to her condition. She also started throwing up. Yes, it looks like we have the stomach virus. The one thing that I have worried about has happened. She is not running fever, so our doctors have instructed us to run some extra fluid as in infusion and to take her off her tube feeds. She is still taking bottles and some breast milk, but she is getting a lot less in volume and calories-HERE COMES THE WEIGHT LOSS-. Overall, you can tell that she does not feel great, but she is not feeling horribly bad either. Thank the Lord for that.

So, this morning when I was awakened by my baby girl throwing up, I was again ministered to by Jesus. After I had cleaned everything up, changed sheets, clothes, diapers, etc., I turned on the TV. Because I knew I wouldn't be making it to church, I turned on one of the many broadcasted church hours. A Reverend Price was teaching about the time that Jesus healed the nobleman's (the official's) son (John 4:43-54). The man's son is sick and dying back home in Capernaum. Jesus and this man are in Cana. The man asks Jesus to go with him to Capernaum to heal his son. Jesus says, "Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders, you will never believe...You may go. Your son will live." BUT, here is the exciting part...the man took Jesus at his word and departed.

Do you know what happened? The son was healed. Read all about it, you will love the story.
There was a reason (besides being thrown up on) that I was up at 5am. I needed to be reminded to take Jesus at His word. Let him send his word out and it shall be done. We have the stomach virus. I was so afraid of this thing, but somehow, I know that we will make it through this. Kensley may lose a few ounces, but she will rise up out of this too. And when she does, more people will know how she is protected and watched over and healed by our Savior Jesus Christ. I am calling out now and I ask all of you to call out with me, Kensley, Jesus Christ heals you. (Acts 9:34). Remember Jesus loves you and so do I. Hugs from Heaven, Tana

Prayers: As always, I ask that you continue to pray for Kensley, Jake, Jack and Caed.
Caed has been staying in Omaha for over 2 months now, but there is light at the end of the tunnel and we pray that they will be able to go home to Texas soon with hearts full of praise for the work that has been done and strength for the work that is ahead.
I also ask you to pray for Ashley, a little girl who recently received a small bowel, liver and pancreas transplant. She had a rejection episode and I know that she and her family need lots of prayer and love right now. Please go to and leave your prayer and comments. It would mean the world to them right now.

1 comment:

MamaMathis said...

We will be calling out along with you that you will be a "family having lunch" again soon!:-)

rhonda mathis