Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Fixin' It! 12/03/08

Well, today is the day. The repair kit arrived yesterday afternoon and the surgeon called. We will be getting the frayed line repair this morning at 9:45am. Pray that it works and carries us through until the line can be removed in January. Love to you all. Thanks for the prayer. I'll be praying for you, and if you have time around 9:45am pray for Kensley. Hugs from Heaven, Tana


Melissa B said...

Tana, Hope all is well. Prayers and well wishes!

Lori said...

Praying.....keep us posted! Did Dr. Mc do the repair?


Mitzi said...

Hope all is still going good tonight. We will keep praying that the central line fix will hold until January!

For all of you who have not been able to be around Kensley...let me just tell you what a wonderful baby she is. She is happy and smiling all the time. She rarely fusses and is just so loveable you want to hug her to pieces! She is truely a Gift from God. Everyone who sees her will know what a blessing she is! What a little miracle!
Dear God,
Thank you for putting the Frees in our life so we will all remember what to be truely thankful for! Please help the "fix" to hold until January and not put that sweet little thing though any more hospital time. We know you are in control! It's in your name we pray, Amen

MamaMathis said...

Hang in there and keep us posted! We will keep praying!

Love, rhonda