Friday, November 21, 2008

Here come the Holidays! 11/21/08

The first four months of Kensley's life felt like a lifetime in themselves. It was soooo hard. Then we went to Omaha and things started to go at light speed. Kensley started making great progress and growing. Suddenly we were back home and 6 months old at more than double our birth weight. Now we are quickly approaching 7 months old and we(meaning WE all had it-Mom, Dad, Kaydee, Cooper and Kensley) have survived a stomach virus with sinus infection and huge swollen mattering eyes. Kaydee and Cooper even had strep along with it. I have lived in fear of Kensley getting any virus. Like usual she just used the strong spirit that God gave her to push through. She is up to 14lbs and 11ozs. happy and growing. Our trip to Nebraska was good, but hard. We started driving on Sunday, stopped and spent the night in Wichita, Kansas, got up drove another 6 hours into Omaha, had labs drawn, spent the night, got up went to our appointment at 8:30am and then started driving again, stopped in Wichita again, got up the next morning and drove another 9 hours back to Lubbock. Kensley made the trip fine, but J. and I were so tired and sore that we will probably fly from now on. NOW, the rest of the story...
The good news is that Dr. Mercer says that if we continue making this progress we will be off of our TPN and fluid by January first and that the central line can come out during our next trip to Omaha. PRAISE GOD. GLORY TO THE MOST HIGH. Now the bad news is that on the way home I noticed that her central line (which is a tube that goes under the skin and into a vein close to the heart) has a fray in the tubing that sticks out of the skin. This is typical of these line, just wear and tear. It has been in place since July. One hard pull could tear it in two. This was devastating to me because I had just found out that I only had 8 weeks to go. Well, our nurse coordinator, Brandi G., said that we should get it repaired and flush it with a large single dose of antibiotic. BUT, the surgeon in Lubbock does not do repairs anymore. He says that they don't work very well. He wants to replace it! AAAHHHHH! I ONLY HAVE 8 WEEKS LEFT AND HE IS TALKING ABOUT A WHOLE NEW LINE! Right now we are being extremely careful with the line. We have redressed it and placed the line securely under the clear dressing called a tegaderm and we will make a final decision on Monday after we talk to Brandi again. As my dear friend Joy reminded me..."God will not give me more than I can handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much." Mother Teresa said that. Boy is that true. Thank you Joy for the encouragement. I needed it badly. Pray for me. I'll be praying for all of you. Hugs from Heaven, Tana

Prayer requests: Caed is almost home. Hallelujah. Pray for travel mercies and continued progress AND a smooth transition to doctors and life at home.
Jake is doing well and will probably make it home sooner than expected. This is the season for miracles. God is good. Pray for continued progress and strength for him and his family.
Pray for Kensley and for her central line and that we make the right decision concerning it.
Remember Jesus loves you and so do I. Have a heart full of love for Thanksgiving. It is fat free.


Melissa B said...

Hope everyone gets to feeling better! Have a Happy Thanksgiving - and what a blessing to be in your own home!

Lori said...

Oh guys!!!! I cannot believe this. I feel your pain and struggle with making this difficult decision. We have to remember God has not brought her (or you all) this far to drop you now. Regardless of the decision, God is using this so you will LEAN SOLELY ON HIM!!!!!!

He will NEVER let go!!!!

Love you,

MamaMathis said...

Thanks for the update! Glad you got back from NE with some good news. We will pray for God to guide the doctors and everyone involved for just the right decision on Monday with the line. In the meantime, we continue to praise His Holy Name for the possibility of getting rid of that line!! I pray He holds you and J. in His hands, that you continue to feel His support and the love and encouragment from all those praying, and that He put a hedge of protection around you all for no more sickness...only continued healing.

Love, Rhonda and the Mathis clan

MamaMathis said...

I just had to send this to give you a little laugh today. Morgan, age 9, had to write a research paper on the venus flytrap. This was her conclusion.

"The Venus Flytrap is a very good example of how we get lured to the devil. The Venus Flytrap or the devil are the weeds and God is the gardener. We are the bugs. The trap looks good at first. It has sweet nectar and nice place to land. That is a lie just like the devil is the king of lies. Slowly, we turn away from God and the devil closes his trap on us. If we repent, God cuts open the trap and takes us out. If we don’t repent, the devil will take us to hell just like the insects end up in the stomach of the Flytrap! I hope this doesn’t give you nightmares."

:-) Out of the mouth of babes!

love, rhonda