Saturday, October 11, 2008

Home Busy Home

I am home again and things are going very well and very busy. I took the kids to school on Friday and attended Cooper's field trip to the Corn Maze, helped with homework, packed lunches, got dance outfit together, cleaned house, unpacked most of the things we took to Omaha, made appointments for Kensley, washed bottles, changed diapers again and again and again, read stories to Cooper, tucked Kaydee into bed, AND wondered how I was going to continue this schedule until Kensley is a year old. I forgot to eat on Friday until it was dinner time. My back has been hurting and I have had a headache on and off for two days. Personally, I couldn't be happier. Home is home. It is often a hectic place, but for some unknown reason it is a place a rest. Your heart rests where it is loved. My heart rests at home. Now my body is a different story-no rest there.
Kensley made the transition well. She has gained to 12lbs. and 5oz. Her stools are better, not great, but better. She is trying to roll over and she grabs and hold on to everything, including her nasal feeding tube and central line. This is the greatest problem. If she can get her hands on those tubes, she yanks them hard. The nasal tube has come out twice and I have had to re-insert it. She grabbed the central line so hard that the dressing had to be changed. But what can you do. Kensley, just like any normal active healthy little baby, is playing and rolling from side to side (she rolled over to her stomach one time, but hasn't tried again) and she is trying to cut her first two bottom teeth. She is eating rice cereal twice a day and the doctors say that she can try other baby foods at 6 months. Wow! It was a dream and a prayer that got us this far. We still have a long way to go, but I am going to keep dreaming and praying and the Lord will see my through. Some day Kensley will not have a central line or nasal tube, and I won't have to mix and administer medicine morning and night. That is my dream. You know, God gives everyone those dreams. The ones you want sooooo much, but never think can happen. Maybe it is for a new house, and a better job, a college degree, or maybe you want to start your own business. Whatever the dream, Hold on to it, ask God for help and trust Jesus to go with you on your journey. Hugs from Heaven, Tana
Prayer requests:
Jake is doing well, improving and healing everyday. Pray that he may continue to improve and go home sooner rather than later. Caed had a small bowel series, which we hope will indicate adaption of the intestine. Pray for wisdom and understanding for his doctors and parents. Kensley is still gaining and growing, but her stools remain sometime loose and liquid. Pray for continue growth and thicker stools.
Pray without ceasing for each other.


Melissa B said...

Glad you are home. I pray Kensley gets bigger and better every day!! I am sure everyone is so happy that you are both home. God Bless!

Crystal said...

I am so glad you are home! I bet you have never been happier to be soooo tired! haha I love you guys so much and I can't wait to see you again! Please know you are always in my thoughts and prayers!

MamaMathis said...

Praise God for that great news! I can't wait to share it with our kids. Morgan and Miles have both shared about "the miracle baby Kensley" at school. It continues to amaze me the number of people that she is reaching, and she doesn't even speak yet. :-) I am glad that you are home and we will all continue to pray for your family and Jake and Caed's as well!

Rhonda Mathis