Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Trip to Jerusalem 10/26/08

The other night I got to read a book to Cooper before he fell asleep. It was a children's book about Easter and Jesus. AND, my precious 6 year old said, "Mom, I want to go there." He wanted to go to Jerusalem and Bethlehem to see where Jesus was on earth. I ask him if he wanted to go to Disney Land instead and he said, "Yeah sure, but I want to go to Jerusalem first." Wow! I love that my children are learning about God and loving Jesus. Of course he still doesn't want to be baptised. The thought of someone deliberately pushing him underwater is a bit scary. I told him that one day he might change him mind. As many of you know life has not been what you would call easy for the past 7 months (and Kensley is only 5 months), but I have kept my faith (sometimes by the skin of my teeth). I just have this deep down feeling that no matter what life throws, God is there to catch you and IT! So, if you are facing something that seems like to much, throw it over to God. He has a better catcher mitt than you.
UPDATE: Kensley is up to 13 lbs and 5 ozs. Praise the Lord. Hugs from Heaven, Tana

1 comment:

Mitzi said...

I loved having lunch with you and Kensley! I can't believe how much she has grown and all the "normal" stuff she does! She is so cute I could just eat her up. (as Gran-Gran would say)I love you guys and I am so happy things are going so well. Keep gaining little one!
Love, Mitzi