Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hurry up and Weight!

Well, it is Saturday, September 6 and my days are settling into to hurry up and wait, only in Kensley's case it is hurry up and weight, because each day I hold my breath until I weigh her again. I did not get to blog yesterday because my Internet connection was down, but I deeply appreciate all of you who are keeping up with Kensley and myself through this blog. You are wonderful and your love and support, as always, raise me up. For those of you who know me, I love the written word, which is why Paul is my favorite Bible writer and Romans is my favorite book of the Bible. Through out this whole journey I have received beautiful notes and cards of encouragement. I thank God for each one of them and I thank those who took the time to place a little of their heart into those cards and notes.

Kensley is up to 9 pounds and 4 ounces. We go to the doctor on Tuesday (Labs on Monday) and I am beginning to feel myself become anxious. Yeah, I know the Bible tells us to be anxious for nothing but in all things with prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God Philippians 4:6. That is one of those verses that are easier read than done. I find myself often waiting for the other shoe to drop. That is how this story has gone. That other shoe just kept on coming...

First I am 34 weeks pregnant and Kensley is diagnosed with a diaphragmatic hernia. Tears and devastation ensued. Then the doctors come back and say, Hey we were wrong! It is a better diagnosis of pulmonary sequestration. Ok, I am feeling better, BUT...they were wrong. Kensley is induced at 37 weeks and 6 days. She is screaming and pink and perfect. They take her to the nursery and come back to me saying we think she has both a diaphragmatic hernia and a pulmonary sequestration. Greater devastation sets in. Because she was not given a very good chance. Surgery immediately. At the end of the surgery, our very competent surgeon, Dr. McGill comes out to say, It was the best type of hernia you could have-very small and easy to repair. A couple of weeks in the NICU and she should be fine. Wrong again. Her belly started swelling and swelling. Two days later Dr. McGill does exploratory surgery expecting to find nothing more than a ruptured capillary. Wrong! They missed the double bubble sign on the x-ray that would indicate a mal-rotation of the intestine, and the swelling was caused by dying intestines that no longer received blood supply. Yes, the other shoe just keep on coming!

I remember thinking that I just couldn't take anymore. I couldn't cry anymore. I couldn't hurt any more. I couldn't talk. I just couldn't, but then I talked to one of the many blessing that have entered my life during all of this... Tina. Tina is a mom and a teacher and one of my angels. She has a son who was born premature and soon after had to have a intestine resection (removal of intestine). Eric is now 8, handsome, playful and so smart with no symptoms of Short Bowel or Short Gut(the chronic condition that occurs after a intestinal resection). She told me of a time that she was driving to the hospital while Eric was still in NICU (and the doctors had told her that he would not come home unless under hospice care). She said that she just screamed at God and told him that she hated His plan and that she did not want to do this. That was when she heard that still small voice that often comes to us..."Do you think I wanted to go to the cross, but I did it because I love you" The answer is simple..No, Jesus did not WANT to go to the cross. He prayed so hard in the garden that blood appeared. He asked God if there was any other way, BUT he said "if this is your will..." WOW! I don't understand God's plan sometimes and I never will on this side, but I TRUST HIM. AND even though I may sit here and begin to worry, I remember those words and the wisdom of a Mom who made it through this tunnel. So as I hurry up and wait, I praise the Lord for Kensley, and J. and Kaydee and Cooper and my Mom and My Mom-in-law and Dad-in-Law and my friends and for the doctors and the ability to share this with you and all the love and support we have received. Then I pray for Kensley and all of you. Hugs from Heaven, Tana

Prayer Requests:
Please continue to pray for Kensley as her stools have become more liquid and this is not good. Also, please pray for little Jake, a sweet one year old baby who is in desperate need of a heart transplant. He is in Texas Children's in Houston fighting an infection. He must be infection free to receive a transplant, and he needs a transplant to survive. Pray for his family. Another request is prayer for a sweet little fella named Caed. He is five a wonderful little boy who ironicly has lost about as much intestine as Kensley due to malrotation. He has been suffering with some strange complications lately and I ask that everyone pray that he is able to come to the specialist in Nebraska and get the help he needs.


paula said...

You don't know me, but I am Lori's aunt, Caed's great-aunt. We have prayed for Kelsey for quite awhile now. I first heard about Kelsey from Shannon & Lana Shaw. They go to our church. My husband is the pastor @ Smyer First Baptist. Shannon came to me one Sunday & said does Kelsey have the same thing that Caed has. I said yes. The next Sunday, Lana said, can I have your neice Lori's e-mail address for Tana. Isn't it amazing how God works. I think it is wonderful that God has put your 2 families together.

I know it has to be so hard & scarey, being there in Nebraska by yourself. I know you miss your children & husband. I pray God will fill your heart, with the peace & calmness that can only come from him.

We were thankful to get your blog address & are thankful to be able to keep up with Kelsey.

God bless you & your family. You are loved & prayed for.
Paula Culpepper

Parker Posse said...


You don't know me either, but our lives have been connected in several ways. My husband David is a SPAH rep here in Oklahoma and so of course knows J. My sister is Carrie Williams there in Shallowater, and I know that Cayenne & Stormie are in the same classes as your children. We've prayed for Kensley for many months, but I was never sure what specifically you needed prayer for. Thank you so much for taking the time to create this blog, which will let my family pray for Kensley's specific needs. I was so glad that you mentioned Jake on your blog - my heart just breaks for Kelby & Mandy, and their testimony, like yours, throughout this is heartwarming. David thinks a lot of J., and if there's anything at all that we can do for your family, please contact us. Until then, we'll be praying without ceasing.

In Him,
David, Lori, Katy, Kell & Tucker Dean Parker

D'dee said...

Hey friend,
Sounds like you're struggling through the week-end and next few days. Nothing I could say would take that restlessness away from you, I know that, but hold on to your faith (which you are VERY good at). You are so good at lifting everyone up and sharing your knowledge with us, thank God for giving you that gift! Soak up all the positive faith you can in the next few days and store it away for whatever comes on Tuesday. In the meantime, tell Miss Kensley I said grow baby grow!!! Tell her with good news on Tuesday, I'll send her some kind of ugly maroon A&M suprise...I may have to make Glen buy it because I couldn't be seen supporting "that school", but whatever it takes to motivate her (and Mom). Stay strong and keep bloggin! Prayin without ceasing! Much love, D'dee

D'dee said...

P.S. Forgot to mention that we're adding Jake & Caed to our thoughts and prayers! We go to Tx Children's Houston for Kynli's follow-ups, so we may try to meet Jake if he's there on our next visit. Ask his parent's to tell you about radio lollipop..."Kooky Kynli" (radio name) had her DJ debut there after her surgery!

Melissa B said...

Tana, I was brought to tears by your post tonight. I read Lori's posts on Caed daily, and have been reading yours now as well. I know God brought you two together so that you would have company in Nebraska - it must be so scary for you! You seem to have a Godly strength like Lori and I am glad to be able to share in that if only through your words. Prayers for you both as you face this tough week ahead - tell Lori we are praying for them as always too!

Laurie said...

Thank you so much for the updates. It makes all of us feel like we are there with you,and we certainly are in spirit. It was such a joy to see J., Kaydee and Cooper at Sunday School today!
I am so glad you have found other families to share with. I didn't know anyone who was going through what we went through with Justin, and it got lonely.
The other shoe will stop dropping. I felt like it never would stop with Justin, either. Every new year of life seemed to bring some new devastating illness. But through it all, God has always been there, and when I cried out to him, "Why Justin? Doesn't he have enough to deal with already?", God impressed upon my heart that His plan was better than mine. He's preparing Kensley and Justin for some future that we cannot even guess about.
I'm overjoyed that Kensley is gaining weight. We'll be praying for better stools and even more weight gain. You're in our hearts!!!
God bless and take care!