Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sunny Saturday 9/13/08

Today was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, which was nice considering it has been raining for two days. It is tree-filled and green here, which is VERY different than Lubbock, Texas. BUT, I miss those dry, flat, windy plains because that is where J., and Kaydee, and Cooper are. I don't know why the weekends make me more sad and lonely for them, they just do. Kaydee is, like most ten year old, ready to be a teenager. Yet, she still plays with her dolls ever so often, and loves her American Girl doll. I remember how when she was 18 months old we would go to Walmart and she would sit in the basket and just squeal at the top of her lungs and then smile. People would come around the corner and look at me to she if I was doing something wrong and Kaydee would just smile from ear to ear. I couldn't make her stop. She was just full of life and joy and she could not contain it. Cooper is just plain cute! He has the funniest sense of humor. One Sunday he decided that he did not want to go to the church nursery, so I kept him in church with me. When communion came around, I gently moved around him and did not let him have any. After communion was all gathered up and done, he sat beside me obviously disappointed. I ask him what was wrong and he said, "I don't like big church, they don't share their snacks" We had to leave the sanctuary because I was laughing so hard. God is so good. He blesses every day of my life with the love of my husband and children. Already I can see Kensley look at me with such love and confidence. Thank you God. Thank you God. I wish each of you love in big and small ways, in big and small people, and always in God. Hugs from Heaven, Tana
Continue to pray for Jake, and Caed, for a dear lady named Melissa, and for Kensley. The Holy Spirit knows what to pray for, so leave it to him and know he will go perfectly to God with our needs and requests.


Laurie said...

I love remembering those special little things about each of our children that make them uniquely who they are. I bet Kaydee and Cooper both love hearing you remember their special moments! You are in our prayers!

Lots of Love,
Laurie and Todd

Melissa B said...

I am glad you had a beautiful day as it was gray, wet, and dreary here - thanks Ike! I cannot imagine being separated from my kids or spouse as you and Lori have been. What a long road....enjoy the beauty in each day!!

Lord, I pray for Tana and Lori as they struggle day to day in dealing with the illness of their children. Give them both peace, rest, strength and continued faith as you have so far. Bless them each day and continue to allow them to bless those of us on their sidelines, only able to pray and think about them! In your son's holy name!

Mitzi said...

Thinking about you today... Especially on Sundays I miss you. I miss Kaydee's hugs in Sunday School. I miss serving God with you. Thank you for all of your encouraging words. You remind us to remember the little things our kids do and enjoy the moments we have with them.
Thanks for loving us enough to encourage us to move on. We joined Raintree today and our whole family is all so happy. You are such a true friend. I am so blessed that God put you in our lives. I loved hearing Kensley "talk" over the phone. We can't wait for you to come home so we can see how much she is changing. Big hugs to all of you!

D'dee said...

Well, your post about Kaydee and Cooper certainly made me chuckle today. I can picture both of them exactly as you described-hee-hee! I can't imagine how much you're missing them and they you and their sister, but I'm glad you can escape a little bit by sharing those "Mamma moments" with us! We faired okay here in Brenham through Ike compared to what Houston & the surrounding areas are now going through. Things are certainly not normal yet, but we are blessed and were protected, so praise God for that! I pray your week is filled with activity and precious smiles and good news! Know that we're thinking bout ya and prayin too! Love you! D'dee

MamaMathis said...

Well, God continues to use you to encourage many! I am working on a Master's in Education now and begin to feel totally overwhelmed at times. I love taking a break and seeing if you have a new post! Morgan prayed for Kensley at our church family group on Sunday. We also shared some many praises about Kensley and how you and J. have walked this journey continuing to glorify God! They especially loved hearing about Kensley getting to wear shoes! :-) So, your faith and Kensley's love and perseverence are reaching even those in the New Mexico desert! We continue to pray for all of you!!!

love, Rhonda Mathis

MJ said...

Hi my special friend! I have so endeared each of your posts regarding your third little angel and your daily trials & thoughts in Nebraska. Please know that you, J, Kaydee, Cooper, and Kensley are loved and prayed for with each new dawn. I know that you are looking forward to your visit with your loved ones and BD celebration with Kaydee. I hope that you will soon be back at home in their loving presence and your joy as a mother and wife will surround you. Love ya bunches, MJ