Friday, September 26, 2008

Say God Bless you! 9-26-08

As I set here writing, my nose is dripping! Pretty image right. Yes, I guess I have a cold. No fever, but I feel rotten, and my nose is running off my face. Needless to say, today has been a hard day. Besides being sick, Kensley had to have her NG (nasal gastro-intestial) tube changed today and her central line dressing. The wonderful thing is that today we had Beverly the NICU nurse as her home health nurse. She is really great. I didn't get much sleep last night, you see Kensley decided about 4am that she didn't want the NG tube in her nose anymore, so she yanked it out. This was OK because it had to be changed anyway. You should have seen her smile. The home health nurse didn't get here until 10:30a so I took some pictures without the tape and tube. It was so wonderful to she her face. I cried over the fact that I don't get to see her face uncovered everyday, but I know that God will someday give us that chance. Enjoy this face, it is the reason I get up each morning healthy or sick. Hugs from Heaven, Tana


Melissa B said...

Tana, She is SO FREAKING BEAUTIFUL!! I love that big ole smile she has and looks like a wonderful little laugh along with it! I hope you get to feeling better soon! No fun being sick with a little to care for!

Happy Go Lucky said...

I start each day reading your blog!! Gets me going!! She is just gorgeous!!!!!!!!!! Feel better soon. Looking forward to having both of you back home soon!!
With love,
Bennie Moore

MamaMathis said...

What a precious angel!! Thanks for sharing the pictures. Get well soon!

In Him,
Rhonda Mathis

Lori said...

She is beautiful with AND without the tube!! I had a day with cold symptoms too. Not fun. I know there are many things that are different, but YOU (more than anyone else right now) know what I too am going through. The constant struggles, fears, and anxieties... We both have a husband and 2 other children we MISS so much! And we both are in this foreign place "alone." I love you and thank God for putting you and your family in our lives. We WILL get through this. Yes, it is going to be a long road, but our God is faithful!!!

(Caed's Mommy)