Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Little Shoes-9/9/08

Today Kinsley wore her first pair of shoes. They are pink with little stars and soooooo cute. I love baby shoes. I can remember the first pairs of Kaydee's and Cooper's shoes. They remind me of all things wonderful about babies. They remind me of all the possibilities that babies bring. I love possibilities. Where will their little shoes take them? What will they learn? Who will be their friends? What will be their favorite toys? I remember a time just after Kensley went through her third surgery (only 5 days after birth) when I thought that she would never wear shoes at all. I mourned. I mourned all the usually baby things that Kensley would never do, like nursing, or taking a bath in a tub. I cried. I could not talk. I could barely remember to breath. I kept thinking about when I found out I was pregnant with Kensley. I was so happy. I couldn't wait to hold her and play with her and put little shoes on her feet. Now I didn't dare to hope that that time would ever come. BUT it has. And by the way, Kensley nurses every day even though I was told she never would, and I bought her a little bathtub. I cant get her central line wet, but she can kick her little feet in the water. To look back now, it is truly miraculous to be where we are now. Sure, I would rather be home with Kaydee and Cooper and J. with a baby without complications who is growing steadily without any of these health problems...BUT that is not where we are and NO bridge exists to the past. So, instead of an easy rosy road without any bumps, we get to be part of a miracle where wearing little shoes becomes even more precious. As I look back over the past 4 months, all I can think about is "look where we were and look how far we have come". The next question is where will we be in 4 more months. The possibilities are endless because my God is the God of impossibilities. Nothing is impossible to God. Now as I put little shoes on Kensley I wonder where they will take her, and what she will discover today, whose lives will she touch with her story, and how much will I grow as her mother. If you are facing something that seems impossible, go to God. He is your Father and he loves to take on the impossible! Some how He will see you through. Some how He will see Kensley through. Have faith even when it is hard. You never know where little shoes will take you. Hugs from Heaven, Tana
Prayer requests:
Please pray for all those who are in and will be in the path of this season's hurricanes. Please pray for my little friend Jake as he fights infection to get on the heart transplant list. Pray for all those who face the decision to be organ donors. Please pray for Caed and his family as they have come to Nebraska for his Short Bowel Condition also.


Melissa B said...

Dear Lord, Thank you for the gifts you bring us daily, no matter how big, small or maybe invisible to others. Please look over these small children as they struggle with these problems that no one should have to face. We know you are the great physician and will be able to bring them and their families through this. I lift up Tana and Lori to you as well as the rest of their families, but ask a special prayer for these mom's Lord, as they are mothering these sick children and still show such faith and love for you. Thank you for blessing me with the joy and sorrow I get to share with them, if only through the internet. I ask this all in your Son's precious name! Amen

Becky Harris said...

Hi Tana,
Give that baby with her new shoes a big hug from us!!! God is sooooo good!! We thanks Him for your strength and pray that He will continue to heal Kensley. We miss you guys and hope to see you soon.
Ya'll have been on our prayer list at Sunday school for a long time. I will share your blog info on Sunday.... so if you get messages from a bunch of crazy Christians from Keller, you'll know why...there with us!!! haha!!!
Lots of love and prayers...
Becky Harris

Ragena said...

Your message today was truely inspirational! It is so wonderful that you are able to enjoy Kensley thanks to God! You really did move me to tears as I have been in a really low spot in my life lately and it had seemed that I had forgotten that God really does answer prayers and that I just need to lift them to Him! We have been praying for all of you at my church. I guess it is easier to ask for prayers for someone else than it is for yourself. You reminded me that it is okay to ask Him for help!
Thank you for that! God bless all of you!
In His Love,
Ragena Hilsabeck (J's ex-coworker at AgriLabs)

Crystal said...

I still have a pair of shoes that both Allyson and Elise wore. I bought them at Target and all they are are little while oxford style shoes that velcro and have a butterfly on them. They are old and ragged but I keep them because they were both of the girls' first pair of shoes. I look back and can't believe that their feet were ever that little. I have always thought how amazing it is that those tiny little feet will walk millions of miles in their lifetime. After reading your blog it made me even more grateful for each and every baby step!! Each one is amazing! I pray that you look back in 6 years at Kensley's first pair of shoes and say WOW, look how many hundreds of steps those little feet have taken and WOW, think how many millions more they will take in the future! I love you and your precious family very very much!!

Williams said...


We are hoping and praying that all continues to go well & that God would make this time apart for your family, fly by! We will continue to pray for Kensley's healing and for y'alls safety while in NE every day. The girls had great fun playing with Kaydee & Cooper today, they are really sweet kids.

The Williams Crew (Chris, Carrie, Cayenne, Stormie, & Summer)

D'dee said...

Have you received your package yet? It should be getting there anytime. I know you'll love it! As for us, we are hunkering down here and hoping for the best. Glen's pretty much gone 24/7 keeping things in order (well what order there can be with all the evacuees coming through and all of us nervous bout where this eye is going), BUT we will endure and all will be okay. I spent most of the day putting everything outside up and dropping little prayers along the way that it doesn't come as bad as they are predicting. Hope J's parents got their stuff put away too. Anyway, kids are excited about no school tomorrow...go figure-ha! I wanted to post tonight as they are certain we'll have no power come tomorrow night (hopefully only for a couple of days). Thank you for thinking of us all and praying for us while you are there with precious little feet! Keep soaking up those special moments and keep those spirits high as you ARE truly blessed...although I know you don't need me to tell ya that!!! We're sending love and prayers from good 'ole Bren-ham. SWAK!