Thursday, September 25, 2008

Neat Freak 9/25/08

My husband can be a bit of a neat freak. He rants and raves at the kids to clean their rooms and toys. This worries me, because it is difficult enough to keep the house tidy with a 6 year old and a 10 year old, much less a special needs infant. Trying to keep your house perfect can put a lot of stress on a person, and I don't know if I can handle it and Kensley and Kaydee and Cooper. The point of this story can be summed up with some thing one my angels wrote to me. "Remember to get some rest and lay it down for God to pick up." I think my friend may have figured it out. Some things in life are more important than perfectly tidy houses, or perfectly coiffured hair, or perfectly fancy clothes. Sure, every one of us should strive to keep things tidy and clean, "cleanliness is next to Godliness". But loving, playing, and spending time with your husband and children is and always will be more important. So, instead of picking up stress and worry, remember to "lay it down and let God pick it up." No one on earth is perfect, but God loves us perfectly no matter what flaws we have. Hugs from Heaven, Tana
Prayer Requests:
Pray for Jake who made it through his transplant surgery very well. He is making a remarkable recovery, which tells me that God had a plan for this little boy. Praise Him and pray that Jake continues to make strives. Pray for Caed so that the doctors may find a solution to his stooling issues. Caed is such a wonderful little boy. His personality makes anyone who meets him fall in love. He may be a little boy, but he has a great big voice that will one day tell a great big story of healing to the glory of Jesus. Please continue to pray for Kensley. She has been stooling more with more liquid stools. This is not good. She needs to start absorbing more and pooping less with thicker stools. As always, I pray for blessing to all of you. I know that God is listening and that the love that passes through this small part of cyberspace makes Him smile.

1 comment:

MamaMathis said...

It continues to amaze me how you encourage me each day! I needed this reminder. We are praying for all of you!

Morgan is in her first year of 4-H and showing two lambs. She weighs about 50 pounds and her lambs about 120 each. Pretty cute! We are in the middle of one fair now and then will have another next weekend. She got one in the sale for tonight. Your letting God pick it up reminder came at a good time! :-) I will pray that you are being blessed by others, as you have blessed all of us being encouraged by your words. You are truly an example of being content and glorifying Him in all circumstances!

Love, Rhonda