Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Put your Faith Where Your Blog is...

OK believers, it is time to pray. As I sat here watching Kensley take a peaceful nap I received a call telling me that little Jake is being prep-ed for his heart transplant. I simply cried for joy and grief. This is a miracle and we need to pray for everything to go successfully through the surgery and through the long recovery process. Pray for strength for Jake's mom, and dad, and big sis. It is difficult to have any member of your family undergo surgery, but to give your 1 year old son over to the doctors must be especially difficult. Jake will have to take anti-rejection drugs for the rest of his life, but he has a chance at that life now. Pray for the doctors who will perform the surgery, may the great physician give them blessed knowledge and skill. Also, I ask you to pray for the donor family. I do not know who they are or under what circumstances this gift was given, but God does. Pray for their grief and generosity. I know it must be very hard. When I told my mother the news she said simply, "Life can be so hard." She is correct, but it is so beautiful too, and as believers we end our time on earth with Jesus leading us on to something even more beautiful. Praise God for the beauty of life on earth and in Heaven. Hugs, Tana


natalie said...

hey,what a beautiful........ pic of Kensley, I tried to blog a week or so and wasn't successful. week has been alittle crazy, Amazing news..... that 285 women are meeting at FCC every wed. morning for BSF!!!!!!!!
How good God is. Studied in Exodus yesterday. Moses....How God's people enslaved and persecuted for 400 yrs, surely they questioned Why me Lord? But we can hold to God's promises and know that we are called to be Holy not happy. Diffucult times bring us and others closer to the Lord. He does have a plan and uses tough circumstances to Glorify him, Your strength, faithfulness and love for the Lord is so inspiring,I Love hearing about the answered prayers. What a great Blog! Such a great way to Glorify his name. I miss seeing you as I know everyone in your church family does also, especially the kids miss you..I will pray , pray , pray....I Love you Natalie

Melissa B said...

Tana, your kids are so beautiful! What a great picture!

Dear Lord, We pray for little Jake and his family. What a blessing to have this chance he has been given. I pray for strength for the family as well as peace as they have their child in the hands of the doctors (and of course You). Look after all these wonderful people dealing with the sick babies and carry them through safely. In your son's name!! AMEN!

MamaMathis said...

We will be praying for Jake and his family, doctors, and everyone involved in this process. Keep us updated!

In Him,
Rhonda Mathis