Sunday, September 7, 2008

Blessed Sundays

I hope that this day was a blessing to you and yours. Today was a good day for Kensley. She weighed 9lbs and 8 oz today and she only had three poops, which is great! For all of you who are worried about me being alone, my Mom has come for a visit. She will probably stay for a week or two. Although she can not handle Kensley very well, it is nice to have some company, and someone to ask,"Hey, can you hand me this or that?" Some one recently asked me exactly what the intestinal rehab program will do with Kensley. Here how our days go...
On Mondays we will go to the treatment center to have blood drawn. Kensley has a central line that goes into the veins near her heart. This is the line that we put her intravenous nutrition (TPN) and lab can also draw blood so that she does not have to be stuck every week. On Tuesday we go to clinic and have an evaluation with the team of doctors. Then they make recommendations for changes in the TPN and formula based on her evaluation and the labs. On Wednesday and Thursday, we just stay at home changes diapers-lots of diapers- and eating and sleeping and growing. I stay in touch with the nurse coordinator (Brandi- a real blessing) all week. If anything needs changing or is going wrong with Kensley, she contacts the doctors and we make mid-week changes. On Fridays, the home health nurse comes and we change the central line dressing (NOT A FUN PROCESS). Everyday of the week Kensley has to have TPN primed, prepared and infused. She also has to have her NG (Nasal tube) feeding prepared and put on everyday. So you can see the days are filled with tasks and tubes and medicine and doctors and nursing, but luckily they are also filled with joy and the coos of a precious baby. The weekends are just lonely though. I miss Kaydee and Cooper so much during the week. I think about them constantly and dream about them when I sleep. The weekends seem harder. I want to be home making special weekend breakfast and just hugging them good morning. Yet, I know that these sacrifices will all be worth it, and someday the tubes will be gone and Kensley will be healed. God is that good and we will keep the faith. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and support. Hugs from Heaven, Tana

Prayer requests:
Caed and family as they travel to Omaha for IRP evaluation. Jake as he holds on waiting for a transplant. Kaydee and Cooper as they go to school and go through their days without mama to help them. J. as he worries about me and Kensley, and Kensley as she grows and her body tries desperately to adapt. Please feel free to give me any prayer requests that you need. Pray for each other constantly.


Happy Go Lucky said...

Just so you know, I gave Kaydee and Cooper a hug for you at church yesterday morning. Thoughts and prayers are with you and Kensley!!
Bennie Moore

Melissa said...

Dennis and I send our love and continue to pray for all of you together every morning at breakfast.It is wonderful to have the blog to read about Kensley's progress. We are sending hugs and kisses your way!
Melissa and Dennis

Crystal said...

A precious baby girl
The Lord has freely given,
Truly a special gift
Sent down from heaven.
For she is God’s blessing
Wrapped in His grace
With the beauty of the Lord
Reflected in her face

© By M.S.Lowndes

Love you and thinking about you! Have a good night!!
Lord, please wrap this precious family in your arms and hold them tight. Be with Kensley, Tana, J., Kaydee, and Cooper. Bless them this week and give them strength. Please be with Caed and his family as they travel to Omaha and please be with Jake and his family while they wait for a transplant. We lift these families up to you. Amen

Anonymous said...

Hi, I wanted to say that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am new to your site. I am sorry to hear about all your troubles but I do know that God answers prayers. He has anwered mine many times and I know He will answer yours. Just keep putting your faith and your family in HIS hands. I know He is watching over you and Kensley and your family back home.
God Bless you and your family,
Patti from Lusby, MD

Mitzi said...

Well, it's Tuesday and I keep thinking about you. I hope Kensley's visit with the doctors go well. I can't wait to hear your report on how they think she is doing. (other than sweet and adorable). She has lots of people praying and loving her from afar! I'm sure it is a busy day, but just know that we are all surrounding you with invisible hugs!!!
Love to you, your mom and Kensley.

Missy said...

Hey Girls...

Alleluia! I'm connected. Yeah! Thank you, Lord, for your help...really needed your high-speed intercession on this one!

Your blog is wonderful, Tana! What a gift you have for the written word, my friend. Thank you for sharing your gift with us. It's so good to hear about "A Day in the Lives of Mommy and Kensley in Omaha" rather than imagining it. I've just been thinking of you so strongly over the past few weeks...anxiously awaiting the next email from J.

The updates sound really good for Kensley. It just warms my heart to read your words about Kensley's progress. I feel the faith in which you are so completely grounded. Know that we continue to keep you all in prayer, for both specific requests and in thanksgiving for blessings received.

Good night. Sweet Dreams. Until Next time. Love and Hugs to you, Kensley and your mom (I'm so glad she's there with you.)

Missy, Alex and Rick

Joy said...

Hi Tana, Yea! I love having a direct link to you and news of Kensley. Mitzi and Kenan have been great to keep me posted. Think of you many times each day.
Take care of yourself and give Kensley a kiss. Love you, Joy